Time until we will launch a new production series for our actor models and sponsors

Stan Bros - PR & Advertising agency for actor models searching for new role replacements in social media and TV productions.

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Try out for a role in our next production

Amazing project. We are casting role models for the new Tiktok series about family car ideas. Starting next month with only three of you. The role book discovery costs equal to 4x sweet coffee shots. Cancel anytime in the first 30 days after buy-in.

9.99 GBP / month

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Book your Seats at our Sponsors Table Talks (RSVP)

Stan Bros - PR & Advertising Agency will cast models for our learned journal. We were offering free theatre ticket breaks and online media research guidance. Give 75% royalties and fix payments after your first sponsor table talk. Be here and RSVP!

199.99 GBP every 6 months

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